The Brownies played a World Flag relay game to help them learn about the meaning behind all the parts of the World flag. There were two groups of Brownies and they had to go through and obstacle course to retrieve the pieces of the World Flag puzzle. Each group had two dice , a world flag card {purchased from the GGC store for $0.15}, and a card listing the pieces of the puzzle with a corresponding number. The girls had to roll the dice to determine which piece of the puzzle they had to retrieve {they continued to roll until they got a number that wasn't already played}. Then they had to go through the obstacle course and retrieve the piece from an Owl leader but they had to say the meaning of the piece before it was given to them...for example they would say "I need the flame that represents love and humanity" or " I need the leaves that represent the three fold promise" etc. One of our Guides came to the Brownies' meeting to set up the relay game as part the Leadership component of the Guide Program.

The Brownies were given this colouring sheet as a take home activity. {available upon request via email leeannfraser at hotmail dot com}
We also sang an action song...
The Four World Centres
that I wrote a few years ago...
you can find the updated
"Five World Centres Song"
lyrics here and video here.
World Centres fruit salad...another fun and easy game to play to learn about the four World Centres. Arrange chairs in a large spread out circle. One chair per person sitting and one person stands in the middle. Everyone is given a name of one of the World Centres...try to spread out the names so that there is close to an even number of each Centre distributed among the players. Then the person standing in the center of the circle calls out a World Centre...then all those who have been given that name must change seats {but you can't sit in the seat right next to where you last sat}. The person in the center of the circle has to run for a seat too...thus creating a new caller in the center. If "World Centres" is called then everyone must change seats.
This type of game can be used for any subject {food names, constellations, LadyBP/BP/Agnes etc. Anything would work. {Some kids...and leaders...forget which group they were assigned to so I think I will make up a set of cards with different names to hand out just to help us to remember!} Add actions to the group names to slow things down.