Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Brownie and Guide Sleepover

Cape George, Nova Scotia June 2012
 Beach combing for Treasures
 Collecting sticks for a Campfire flame hat made with paper and adorned with marshmallows
Campfire singing...Roasting...
Bannock with Chocolate Chips...YUMMMMM
Two of our Guides earned the Campfire Leading Badge. Afterwards, we did song requests then a "Dance-off".
Guides' Campfire Leading Badge
 After snack we watched this awesome movie.
The projection on the wall made a really awesome viewing!
Early morning visitor...Eagle sitting on the big rock.
Everyone was still asleep at this point...7am
Time to wake up!
More crafting before and after Breakfast...
Flower Loom weaving...this craft required assistance.  Some flowers were made after supper...some made during the movie...some made in the morning.  It took about 20 minutes to make one since it was their first time using the flower loom.
Bagel Bird Feeder...attach a string...smear with peanut butter...roll in bird seed...hang up on a tree branch. Easy and quick!
Hunting for the PERFECT rock to paint.
Rock Painting...fun and easy craft!
Breakfast is Ready! 
Fire Owl and White Owl did the cooking.
Pancakes & syrup, bacon, mini banana muffins, 
fruit, juice, milk.  It was sooooo good!
Fire Owl did supper too...hotdogs/hamburgers
and her mom gave us some yummy fancy cupcakes! 
Photo shoot!  Posing in the bright sun...
lots of squinty eyes!
Overall, the sleepover was really fun.  These things take alot of organization.  I did the paperwork and a craft...Fire Owl purchased the food and secured a location...Guider Krista brought the stuff for S'mores...White Owl got the projection for the movie and prepared crafts...and we all had input into the kitlist and meal plans {including the leaders who could not stay at the sleepover}.

Thank you to Fire Owl's parents for allowing us to have the sleepover at their lovely home on the beach.  It was a fantastic location...A great way to end our Guiding Season! 

{NOTE:There will be a District Camp available for Brownies/Guides/Pathfinders in July.  Guider Krista will be attending so we hope some of our girls will take the opportunity to get some camping experience}

{You may notice most of the photos are converted to cartoon...I did this to respect the wishes of some parents whom prefer to have their child's image protected.  We can still see the pics of the event but not a detailed face.  If any parents do not wish to have even the cartoon version displayed please contact me and I will either remove or blur the image.}
{I will continue to post other "Guide Stuff" this summer but may not be as often}.

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