Hike Nova Scotia is a volunteer-based organization that encourages and promotes hiking, walking and snowshoeing throughout Nova Scotia. They are pleased to work with Girl Guides of Nova Scotia to offer all Guiding branches a chance to participate in a new challenge: The Hiker Distance Award Challenge for youth.
Youth can get involved by earning the Hiker Distance Award Challenge Patch! You must go on several hikes, walks or snowshoe outings (with your unit, family or others) and tally the following kilometers within one year
- Ages 5 to 8: 15 km
- Ages 9 to 14: 30 km
- Ages 15 to adult: 45 km
Use the special Hiker Distance Award Challenge
for Youth Logbook to record your hikes.
for Youth Logbook to record your hikes.

You may count your hiking done with your family,
your Girl Guide Unit, or with others. Any form
of walking/hiking/snowshoeing in any Nova Scotia setting counts.
If you reach the required km for your age group early,
If you reach the required km for your age group early,
you can always hike more! Find a list of links to trail maps and directions at www.hikenovascotia.ca/find-trail/.
This time next year we will collect all the Logbooks and the Guiders
will submit the distances as a group to receive the free patch!
View the Challenge at www.hikenovascotia.ca/projects
This challenge is for individuals, families,
or groups such as Girl Guides! Check it out!
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