Monday, 22 February 2016

The Five World Centres Song

Happy Thinking Day!  Hope you all had or will have an enjoyable World Thinking Day Celebration. Our District celebrated yesterday and it was so much fun!  The girls made hat crafts, painted ceramic tiles that will be put up on the wall at Camp Wohelo, and connected with GOTA {Guides on the Air} via Ham Radio...and of course CAKE!

Anywhooo...Here is the final cut of my song "The Five World Centres".  I taught this to my Guides and the Guiders last week and they enjoyed it.  I did not get a chance to video yet though so I can't explain the is a link to my original version so that you can see how it goes...

I have a pdf of this song available upon request via email.  Enjoy!

Saturday, 13 February 2016

The Five World Centres and Song

Hello Owl & Toadstool viewers! 
 Did you know that there is a Fifth World Centre? 
Yes, there is a fifth World Centre in Africa called Kusafiri.
The Fifth World Centre in Africa
"Kusafiri World Centre is a project exploring how WAGGGS can bring a World Centre experience using existing facilities in Africa. The ‘centre’ has no fixed site but changes location at every event, creating international experiences to girls and young women in different countries in Africa".

This fifth World Centre was established in 2010 and in October 2015 was officially named Kusafiri. Kusafiri means 'to journey' in Swahili.  For more information on how Kusafiri World Centre came to be see the above link.
The Five World Centres mini book
Kusafiri World Centre poster to be used with the Five World Centres mini book
I will need to change the name of my song "The Four World Centres"  to "The Five World Centres" to include Kusafiri.  What rhymes with Kusafiri...hmmm...LOL...I will come up with something.  I am not sure how to pronounce Kusafiri it Ku-sa-furry or Ku-sa-feary??

by Guider Lee Ann 

Who knows about the four World Centres?
Who knows about the four World Centres?
Who knows about the four World Centres?
All the Girl Guides Do!

Pax Lodge, London England
Pax Lodge, London England
Pax Lodge, London England
And It's name means "Peace"


Swit-zer-land, has Our Chalet
Swit-zer-land, has Our Chalet
Swit-zer-land, has Our Chalet
"Shelter on the Mountain"


Sangam, near Pune India
Sangam, near Pune India
Sangam, near Pune India
It means "Coming Together"


Mex-i-co,  has Our Cabana
Mex-i-co,  has Our Cabana
Mex-i-co,  has Our Cabana
"A small Cabin by the Stream"


*Who knows about the four World Centres?
Who knows about the four World Centres?
Who knows about the four World Centres?
All the Girl Guides Do!

I've just updated the song and it sounds like this...
(the tune is a bit like Boa Constrictor}

The Five World Centres 
{lyrics by Lee Ann Fraser 2016}

Who knows ABOUT the Five World Centres? 
Who knows ABOUT the Five World Centres? 
Who Knows ABOUT the Five World Centres? 
All -the -Girl -Guides dooooo. 

(All the Girl Guides do-oo-oo is sung slower and "do" is a longer note.
 I do not know anything about writing lyrics or composing music so bare with me)

*New last verse*
Af-ri-ca has Ku-sa-fi-ri, 
Af-ri-ca has Ku-sa-fi-ri, 
Af-ri-ca has Ku-safi-ri. 
To-Jour-ney in Swa-hi-li.

(action for the new last verse is to alternately slap your hands on your thighs 
left-right-left-right to the beat to symbolize African drumming}

If you are totally confused about the tune and actions of 
my homemade song go to my original post

"The Four World Centres" video   

The updated Five World Centres Song 2016 Lyrics 

Hope you are all getting excited about Thinking Day!  
I know I am.  My new district is having an Event on the 21st.  Can't wait!

*If you would like to request any files from this blogspot 
please email leeannfraser at hot mail dot com*

Happy Thinking Day!

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Doodle- Rangers

As promised...a doodle for Rangers. 

Rangers Doodle 2016#10a
Rangers Card Doodle 2016#10b

Rangers Doodle Card 

That's it for my 2016 Doodle series!
I hope you have just as much
fun colouring them as I did drawing them.

Thanks for visiting Owl & Toadstool !

For more doodles go here.

Friday, 5 February 2016

Doodle- Pathfinders

Up next in the Doodle series...Pathfinders!

Pathfinder Doodle 2016 #9a

Pathfinder Doodle Card 2016 #9b

Pathfinder Doodle Card 
Go here for a list of more doodles.

There is one more post in the Doodle Series.  
It is for Rangers! Stay tuned.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Doodle- Guides

Next up in the Doodle series ...Guides!

Guides Doodle 2016#8a
Guides Doodle Card 2016#8b
Guides Doodle Card
This is the back of the Doodle Card
For a list of other doodles go here.

Tune in tomorrow for a Pathfinder Doodle!

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Doodle- Brownies

This doodle was fun to do because of the owl and toadstool!

Brownies Doodle 2016#7a
Brownies Doodle Card
Brownies Doodle Card 2016#7b

Go here for a list of more doodles.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Doodle- Sparks

Helloo! Here is a Sparks Doodle and Card...Enjoy!

Sparks Doodle 2016#6a
Sparks Doodle Card 2016#6b
As you can tell I find doodling so much fun to do!  
I will post doodles similar to the Sparks doodle for 
Brownies, Guides, Pathfinders, 
and Rangers throughout this week.

Go here for a complete list of doodles.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Doodle- Girl Guides

Helloo! on this lovely first day of February 2016. Thank you all for the positive feedback on the doodles.  They are so much fun to create.  I've got six more doodles left to post this week.  They all look similar to the doodle below but have the GGC branch names. Enjoy!

Girl Guides Doodle 2016#5a

Girl Guides Doodle Card 2016#5b
Girl Guides Doodle Card- Blank inside 
 Go here for a full list of Doodles.

PS...Any Owl & Toadstool viewers a Guider with Bridgewater, Nova Scotia Units? If so, please email me leeannfraser {at} hotmail {dot} com.  I just moved to Bridgewater a few weeks ago and may like to check out Guiding in Bridgewater!