I had decided to do some prep work first since we always run out of time at our meetings. I stuffed and attached the nylon heads to the 2L pop bottle and precut the orange dress...then I used my sewing machine to partially sew the dress. {This craft took two meetings to complete}. The first meeting we allowed 45 minutes for the girls to work on their Witch. They had to sew a gathering stitch around the top of the dress so that it would stay on the body, stitch a face and paint the wood base black.

For the second meeting I still had to find something to use for the hair. I went to a fabric store and the faux craft fur was mucho expensive so I decided to just use yarn for the hair ...until...I was lurking around the Dollarama in the Halloween aisle and noticed some Monkey masks that had fur that would make perfect Witch's hair! Problem solved! I precut the hair, the cape {which I then made a drawstring pull so that they just had to tie it on their Witch}, made the arms so that they could just safety pin them to the dress, made the hats from black sparkly felt, made the burlap bags, and used a real broom and dowels to make the mini brooms.
The Guides had fun assembling their Witch...and used their own creativity to personalize their craft even though it ended up being a kit.
The Guides had fun assembling their Witch...and used their own creativity to personalize their craft even though it ended up being a kit.
Here are some of their adorable creations!
This last one I had made for one of our Guiders...but ran out of the orange fabric so I used black for the dress and used fabric from a dollarama costume to make the cape. I used google eyes on this one not the black felt. It turned out great!