The Fall Cookies are here! Sparks, Brownies, Guides, and Guiders will be selling delicious Chocolate Mint Cookies at the Farmer's Market and Door-to-Door next Saturday. We will need some girls to stay at the Farmer's Market to sell cookies and the rest to go door-to-door. *Door-to-Door supervision will be the parent's responsibility. Please arrive at the Farmer's Market between 8-10am to pick up your cookies and to select a selling route. Door-to-Door sales will not begin until 10am. Those who stay at the Farmer's Market are not expected to stay the entire 4 hours. All cookie money is due that same day. Cookie money collected after 12:00 is to be passed in to Guider Korene at her new store "Stepping Stone" in Wilkies Court {208 Main street across from St James United Church} between 1-3pm. Anyone requesting to sell at their own pace may pre pay $48 per case. If your daughter is unable to take part in our Cookie Day please make arrangements to take cookies home. Every member must sell at least one case of cookies! Group sales events are a safe way for girls to sell cookies in their communities. Please show your support for girl greatness!
Support our Fall Cookie Day Sale!
Saturday, October 8th
Farmer's Market: 8am -12:00
Door-to-Door: 10am-3pm
Return cookie money
to Stepping Stone in
Wilkies Court 1-3pm
to Stepping Stone in
Wilkies Court 1-3pm
- Take along a water bottle {and a snack if planning to be at the market for a while}
- Wear your Girl Guides of Canada Uniform {dress for the weather and if staying at the market take a's cold in there}
- Be Polite at all times
- BE SAFE! Don't go door-to-door alone
- Cookies Cost $4 per box
- Have something such as a purse to carry the money
- Count change properly {practice at home}
- Return all tips and cookie money in the provided envelope labelled with girl's name and unit
What can you make out of
empty cookie boxes? Go to
empty cookie boxes? Go to
For Contest Details!