
Monday 3 June 2013

International Uniform Colouring Page

Hey there Guiders! Just a quick post...this is the colouring page that I had used in my Girl Guide World Guiding Lapbook.  For a while I could not remember where I had found this resource...then yesterday, while I was looking through my Girl Guide stuff for something else, I found it! That is the way it works right?!  Anyhoo...just thought I would post the page with it's source.

The Guide Programme Revised Edition 1985 {girls book}

I copied the Uniforms and Colour Key and converted it to pdf...I printed it on 11x17 paper for the lapbooks.  The pieces of the uniforms are numbered so it is easier to see the numbers and to colour it if it is printed on a larger sized paper. If you would like the pdf just send me an email or leave a comment. 
The Guide Programme Revised Edition 1985 Cover

Enjoy your day!

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