
Tuesday 15 January 2013

Lord Baden-Powell Facts Robin Activity

Hello Blogland!  Here is another activity to use with my Girl Guide Lapbook.  It is a Lord Baden-Powell facts activity.  The reason why I made it to look like a Robin is because LBP gave BP the nickname ROBIN.  He would even sometimes draw a robin  and use that as his signature.  He was quite an accomplished artist.  Did you know that he did the illustrations for his book Scouting For Boys?  I have a pdf version of the "Facts About Lord Baden-Powell"  activity for anyone who would like to use it. {I have two pdf is three pages...and a larger one for demonstration is 9 pages}

The Facts are typed on eggs..then attached with a paper fastener {brad} to the Robin to resemble the bird's body.  Pre punch the hole to prevent tearing.

 I chose 15 facts for this activity.  
You could choose less if you like or add more.

Yes! I have way too much fun 
making these activities!


  1. Hi, i love this idea, & would love to use it with my guide unit in Australia as part of their Guiding badge. Can you please make the pdf file available to me.
    Many thanks
    Erin (Echidna)

    1. Hi Erin... Just email me for the files. leeannfraser at hotmail dot com
