
Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Community Art- Girl Guide tree sculpture

"Guiding in Colchester County began in 1915.  This sculpture has been created to commemorate our guiding members past and present.  We celebrate the women who have generously given their time and talents, and to the girls who have and will benefit from this organization in the years to come."

This Tree Sculpture was featured in the Nova Scotia Girl Guide newsletter, Coastlines, a few years ago {or maybe more??}.    I had been in Truro several times over the years and had known that a GGC sculpture existed but hadn't noticed it until this past weekend.  It is located at 34 Queen Street Truro.  The street was fairly busy when we were there so these are the best pics taken. {next time we will cross the street and photograph the plaque}.

Antigonish has a few of the Tree Sculptures around town. If you are interested in seeing those tree sculptures go to this link:

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