My Girl Guide Life is
taking over my Craft Room!
This Summer my plan was to re-organize and downsize my "Girl Guide stuff"... 40+binders full of resources for teaching the Girl Guide Program, containers of my collectibles, shelves of Guiding/Scouting books, misc craft supplies, other "stuff I might use" but have not used in years...and the list goes on! {Keep in mind I had/have stuff for teaching Sparks, Brownies, and Guides from the past 16 years! This is stuff that I had personally purchased and collected over the years... NOT purchased with "Unit funds"}. I made some progress in my attempt to down size but my mission is not yet complete!
This is the "BEFORE" version of the closet in my craft room. I try to keep all my Girl Guide stuff in this one room. I want to eliminate the binders so that I can store my personal craft supplies and books on this shelving unit {Hubby made the shelf a few years ago... the magazine rack was a yardsale find...and so were most of the binders!}.
After about 2 months, I have most of the 40+binders scanned and converted to pdf's {thanks to my hubby and his access to a super duper machine at his work!}. Now I have access to most of my binder resources on my has freed up much needed space in my craft room!
Another cupboard housing piles of GGC papers/forms/stuff I'm "saving" |
Some of my paper stuff was outdated and went straight to the shredder and blue bag recycle...other stuff went to my yardsale...some stuff I donated to my niece whom is new to the Daycare field...and a lot I had donated to the Unit. I can no longer keep props for skits, seasonal decorations, multiple copies of resources and left over supplies. Time to Downsize!
This box contains memorabilia stuff I'm "saving" |
Also made a few trips to our meeting Hall to unload some stuff that I
no longer need to keep in my house...luckily we have two cupboards at
the hall for storing our supplies /resources. It was difficult to decide
what was really useful for teaching the GGC program and what was kept
"just in case we may need it someday". I do not want to create a cluttered Unit cupboard either. {why do I need to hold on to left over craft projects from 10 years ago?? If it is not used within a year or two then it most likely will never be used...donate it to someone who will use it}.
This is one pile that was sent to the Hall cupboard...this photo does not show all that went away |
Some stuff that I know I will be using for GGC will stay in my Craft room |
I have decided to be very selective in regards to what I allow to be stored at my house. I just do not have the space. I want to utilize the space that I have to start back to crafting/sewing...something that I once enjoyed doing but my craft room space lost it's function. I will keep most of my Girl Guide collections {crests/books/memorabilia/old uniforms etc} and my personal gear but that has got to be it.
There is a crest"Guiding ...One hour a week...!" ...well someone should design a crest about the "hoarding" ..I'll buy it and add it to my collection!
Check back soon for Part II of my craft room chaos!{and no this is not the next episode of TLC's Hoarding: Buried Alive!}